We are convinced that cancer and other non-congenital or non-accidental diseases have psychosomatic causes. Diseases flourish on fertile soil and we often help this process unwittingly (through bad diets, stress, altered emotional states�). Changing these conditions is one�s own responsibility and has a positive impact on our health.

      Fundebien seeks to attack the root causes as well as the effects of disease. We propose to discover, or rediscover, our inner peace � as a physical and spiritual response to our existence as living beings. The combination of this inner peace, with loving and charitable care in a natural setting, considerably enhances the effect of G. Lakhovsky�s Multiple Wave Oscillator that works by emitting electromagnetic frequencies to revive healthy cells. These cells � it should be noted � are the most prevalent in the body, even among patients suffering from very advanced cancer!

      This revival has an almost immediate effect: patients feel better despite their illness and they achieve general, physical and psychosomatic, progress that aids their recovery.

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"The Secret of Life"
by Georges Lakhovsky
[15.3 MB]